Argenthorns is a Finnish one-man symphonic black metal band crafting epic and baroque metal sagas
Argenthorns is a Finnish one-man symphonic black metal band crafting epic and baroque metal sagas
Argenthorns is the new project by Vrajitor (Warmoon Lord), here going by the name Mason Rofocale, narrator of a black metal tale told the way it used in the ‘90s
Finnis symphonic black metal one-man band Argenthorns will release their debut album The Ravening via Avantgarde Music on April 21st, 2023.
Finnish symphonic black metal trio Moonlight Sorcery annouces new EP Nightwind, to be released via Avantgarde Music in January 2023
Olio Tähtien Takana is a symphonic black metal band by Finnish multi-instrumentalist v-KhaoZ (Vargrav, Druadan Forest and many others)
The new album by Finnish multi-instrumentalist v-KhaoZ (Vargrav, Druadan Forest), a cosmic voyage through symphonic black metal lands of old