Escumergamënt enter the roster
A new Swedish black metal band featuring members of Setherial, Stilla, Svederna and Bergraven
A new Swedish black metal band featuring members of Setherial, Stilla, Svederna and Bergraven
The Romanian folk/black metal band born from the ashes of Negura Bunget is back with their sophomore album
Sophomore album by the Italian avantgarde death/black metal outfit "Imperative Imperceptible Impulse" will be out on February 12th, 2021.
Folk black metal band born from the ashes of Negura Bunget are ready to release their sophomore album
Romanian post-Negura Bunget folk black metal band's sophomore album will be released on February 12th
Ukrainian atmospheric black metal band marks their debut with Avantgarde Music
The 5th album by Dutch black metal long-standing band Funeral Winds, a direct follow-up to the highly acclaimed "Sinister Creed"
"Imperative Imperceptible Impulse", sophomore album from the Italian progressive death metal quartet, will see the light in early 2021
Russian melodic black metal masterpieces Burial Shrouds and From The Dead Villages Darkness are now available on a strictly limited LP edition
The prolific Québécois one-man band Neige Et Noirceur is back with a new opus dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach