Black metal duo from British Columbia, Canada
Black metal duo from British Columbia, Canada
Avantgarde Music releases bundle for January and February 2022, including Grafvitnir, A Pale December, Vastatum and Sivyj Yar
Canadian black metal band Vastatum announces their debut album Mercurial States Of Revelation, which will be released in February 2022
One of the first projects by Kanonenfieber Noise, Non Est Deus is back with their third studio album, a powerful, aggressive, anti-god black metal output
The return of the Swedish occult black metal band
Melodic black metal-one man band Inherits The Void debut album by French multi-instrumentalist Antoine Scholtès
The mysterious black metal/electronic duo reached the farthest corner of the known universe with the new CLG J02182–05102
One-man black metal band form France Inherits The Void announces debut Monolith Of Light
The new album by Finnish multi-instrumentalist v-KhaoZ (Vargrav, Druadan Forest), a cosmic voyage through symphonic black metal lands of old
"Breaths Of Elder Dawns", the new album by the black/folk metal quintet from New Jersey, is out now on Avantgarde Music