Avtotheism signs to Unorthodox Emanations
Italian death metal band Avtotheism signs to Unorthodox Emanations to release their sophomore record next fall
Italian death metal band Avtotheism signs to Unorthodox Emanations to release their sophomore record next fall
From the creative mind of Ville “V-KhaoZ” Pallonen (Vargrav, Druadan Forest and many more) a new synthwave project is born to walk the streets of rage.
From Juuso Peltola (Warmoon Lord, Argenthorns, Old Sorcery and many more) comes Oneironaut, a brand new music journey along the German ambient tradition.
Defacement third album, Duality, will be released via Avantgarde Music's death metal division, Unorthodox Emanations
International melodic black metal band Sojourner signed to Avantgarde Music again, and is currently working on their fourth studio record
Swedish black metal band Vananidr chose Avantgarde Music to release their new album
Romanian folk black metal band Sur Austru, born from the ashes of Negura Bunget, is back with their third studio record
Vimur is a black metal band from the American South. Despite its hot, origins, Vimur sound has a layer of frost seemingly shipped from beyond space and time.
Nel Buio, Italian for In the Dark, is a black wave project born by Clod "the Ripper" De Rosa ) to combine black metal and 80s darkwave
French one-man melodic black metal band Inherits The Void is back with the third studio album in four years, Scars Of Yesteryears