Vananidr signs to Avantgarde Music
Swedish black metal band Vananidr chose Avantgarde Music to release their new album
Swedish black metal band Vananidr chose Avantgarde Music to release their new album
Romanian folk black metal band Sur Austru, born from the ashes of Negura Bunget, is back with their third studio record
Nel Buio, Italian for In the Dark, is a black wave project born by Clod "the Ripper" De Rosa ) to combine black metal and 80s darkwave
French one-man melodic black metal band Inherits The Void is back with the third studio album in four years, Scars Of Yesteryears
The first two Nest EPs see the light again! Fabled Lore and Hidden Stream will finally be available on vinyl via Avantgarde Music!
Following the release of the first single and titletrack Duality on YouTube, blackened death metal pioneers Defacement‘s third studio album, Duality, is now available for preorder worldwide. PREORDERLP on Sound CaveCD on Sound CaveBandcamp DEFACEMENT FacebookBandcamp Duality will be out worldwide on CD, LP and digital on July 26th, 2024 via Avantgarde Music‘s Unorthodox Emanations. […]
US black metal band Vimur opens preorders for The Timeless Everpresent, releases new single
US black metal band Vimur will release their fourth studio album, The Timeless Everpresent, on July 5th, 2024.
Three years after their latest release, atmospheric black metal / dark folk duo Ulvik is ready to release their new studio album, Last Rites | Dire Omens
Vástígr new album, The Path Of Perdition, will see the light on May 24th, 2024, on CD, LP and digital.