THE CLEARING PATH, from Milan, hometown of Avantgarde Music… a solo-project conducted by Gabriele Gramaglia who made us happy stating clearly he hates the labelling post-core on his music. “Post” is probably a word we will probably often read in The Clearing Path reviews, but what caught our attention is his ability in making apparently complex music with such a *simple* attitude instead, or, viceversa, his ability to make simple things in a more sophisticated way. You may think you heard this stuff a variety of times, especially from overseas and the whole new current of “modern” blackcore bands started by Wolves in the Throne Room, Altar of Plagues and elevated to mass success by Defheaven (just to name a few solid examples): in our honest opinion what differs The Clearing Path is that at the end of the album you just need to press play again, while many of the as above tagged kind of bands will just trash you with no particularly memorable melodic solutions until you just cant have anymore…
As pointed out by webmagazine: “This is an album that may seem to end just a bit too quickly, but I guarantee that anyone with an interest in this particular melding of genres will find themselves hitting the repeat button as soon as it comes to an end. The chaotic instrumental and vocal attacks stand out plenty of their own, but add in the hints of post rock and brighter atmospherics that pop up near the end and you have a record that is capable of heading in a direction of its own. What excites me the most is that The Clearing Path is already this strong when it comes to songwriting but has left plenty of room open for further exploration, and it will be interesting to see just where Gramaglia decides to go with his musical endeavors from this point”