We might quote a few bits of the various stunning press reports we are receiving for this, but instead we prefer to let one only portal to say it all… and if the conclusion of this article is taken by a magazine called Norskmetal,net, you have to take it serious…..
Faithfully reported from NORSKMETAL:
At long last Dystopia Nå returns with their follow-up to Syklus. The band still consists of KK (guitar), A. (drums/percussion), S (bass, lead guitar, piano & clean vocals) & K (vocals/synth & piano), and Dweller on the Threshold picks up where Syklus ended. Actually, “Doppelgänger” takes me right back to the moment when I first heard the debut album, and I am on this track alone reminded time and time again of why I fell in love with this band.
The music is related to the extreme genre, but cannot be labelled as this or that so easily. There are elements musically which takes your mind in the direction of black metal, but there are also countless other terms that can be used in my attempt to describe their music. They dabble within the realm of black, avantgarde, experimental, progressive, depressive, doom, alternative and probably a helluva lot more that simply escapes my mind at this time.
Musically it is rare that a band can stir to life a well of emotions inside the listener. At least from start to finish during the course of a one hour long album, but Dweller on the Threshold has been made with the intention of you closing the world out, sitting down, shutting the fuck up & playing it from start to finish as it is a concept album, which ultimately culminates in the 13:36 minute long track “Final Encounter”.
All the tracks flows together beautifully and unless you are keeping track of what is going on, you are lost within the soundscape. That is absolutely fine, as this is a good soundscape to get lost in. The album is well-mixed and well-balanced without any boring unessential segments. Melodies are crucial within this band, and even though there are hard-hitting fast-paced segments that may or may not take your breath away, there are also dazzling and beautiful musical moments of pure emotion, that might shatter you and leave you in tears if you succumb to the grandness of Dystopia Nå.
The musicianship is outstanding, and the vocal duties shared between the growls/shouts of K & the clean vocals by S perfectly compliments the sonic landscape painted here. So much thought and care has been put into making everything fit perfectly, and I don’t believe a single note, growl or solo is out of place on this album. Everything fits, and are keys to solving the enigma that Dystopia Nå is. For some this band may be a hard code to crack as they are a bit all over the place, but once you manage to catch a glimpse through the looking glass, this album will reward you tenfold.
For me personally this is a very sought after album, and in my book Dweller on the Threshold is the Norwegian album of the year.