-.. .- .-. -.- … .–. .- -.-. . / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. .. -. –. / -.. … … -.-. .-.-.- / — .. … … .. — -. —… / -.. .- .-. -.- / … .–. .- -.-. . / .. .. .. .. / . -. -.-. — ..- -. – . .-. .-.-.- / –. . — / -.-. — — .-. -.. .. -. .- – . … —… / ….- -…. .-.-.- —-. ….- —– ….. .—- –..– / –… .-.-.- ….- ….- …– —-. -…. .-.-.- / – .. — . —… / —– -…. ..— ..— —– —– -… … . .–. .—- ….- .-.-.- / . -. -.. / — ..-. / – .-. .- -. … — .. … … .. — -. .-.-.-
This weird morse code message, several times transmitted, received, read and repeated, is ping-ing the dark web since a few days.
To put it in human braincode and symbols, if somebody haven’t got it yet, DARKSPACE have announced a long-awaited event, actually an event-in-the-event.
The release of the much anticipated ‘fourth’ album will take place in Bern on September the 6th (2014) and our closest aliens will perform the new album live. Yes, what once was called in rock music a “record release gig” (actually not the first time that Darkspace presents a new album in this way at all).
“Dark Space III I” will follow his predecessors in being released initially only as a numbered digipack and it will be presented for the first time at the venue (of course also people with no chances to attend the gig will be able to buy the record, no worries)
Meanwhile Avantgarde Music has started production on the release of their acclaimed debut “Dark Space I” on vinyl: this will come again with embossed gatefold cover and will be a double vinyl.
Please find here an anticipation of the cover inner drawing.