Darkspace “Dark Space -I” is finally at the manufacturing stage with a release date foreseen for 6.6.12 (cd) and 12.6.12 (vinyl), therefore we have officially started presales. Both LP and CD have been added to our store, as well as a bundle-sale offer (CD+LP) with the possibility to save some money.
You can read individual descriptions in the products forms, but to put it short here too, the band is continuing with their habit to anticipate the standard cd release with a limited digi (whose manufacturing is taken care by the band itself).
The vinyl release instead is a brand new thing for Darkspace! For their “vinyl debut” the band has basically applied the recurring artistic vision and styling we all are well used to now, with a minimalist artwork combined with the usage of rough paper/cardboard packaging material.
The vinyl comes in an all-black gatefold and embossed cover with inner artwork.
Just a few infos for those going to pre-order:
– CD, LP and CD+LP bundle are on sale at the Avantgarde Music store on this site for those willing to do a quick Paypal purchase, but also from our mailorder twin-site for those interested in ordering other stuff as well www.sound-cave.com or for example those who prefer to pay by Credit Card (or cash on delivery for italian customers)
– To simplify things we have been forced to set standard shipping rates for the single unit purchase, while this cost might change (for the cheaper) for those willing to order more copies. For example it’s obvious that if one LP costs 6,00 euro to ship, 2 LPs won’t cost 12,00 but less… Therefore we encourage anybody wanting to order more than just one copy to drop us an email to orders@sound-cave.com stating your country and we will be back to you with a precise bill to pay with correctly estimated shipping cost
1. Dark -1.-1 – 15:53
2. Dark -1.0 – 12:06
2012 – AV213 – CD, LP