“Why did you guys decide to change Avantgarde ?”
– Change ? What do you mean –
“That now no more BM no more extreme stuff ?! Mostly Doom and “pop rock” releated stuff ?!”
Ah ah, this could be integrated in the ‘mission‘ section…. however, I take the chance now by using this small Facebook chat’s excerpt with a old-date friend, Alexandre Mota from Portugal, main ghoul behind the band Corpus Christi.
“Going pop-rock” must be an exciting plan and yes, I would prefer to release “Controlling Crowds” by ARCHIVE rather than a new FUNERAL WINDS album (no offense, just the first name popped-up in my mind) even if that is “pop rock related stuff”, and this is not a strategy but an inevitable observation and submission to the Quality of music before its labeling.
The fact is: I don’t automatically see a whore in a beautiful and sexy woman and I don’t automatically see shit in a pop-rock album and coolness in everything that is a sonic iconoclasm. Everybody has these two white balls inserted in their skull and should manage to keep them clean and uncorrupted and cabled to their brain.
Avantgarde Music is not under a season’s dress change, it’s just & all about finding peace of mind and realise what are the nicest streets to walk in your dirty down-town.
It is with a certain (relaxed) smile on my face that I come to post this, ahem.. sounds even serious, official statement… but I will do it against my nature to avoid that this issue becomes a misunderstanding. It is a pure coincidence in fact that in 2011 we have not released yet a black metal record but only “pop-rock related stuff” and “doom metal” (which by all means is a very extreme kind of music, I tell you Alexandre, much more than most of black metal bands have proven to be on stage for example).
We are releasing Amnis Nihili, Situs Magus, Darkspace, Grim Funeral and more. A few other BM bands have been unfortunately taken by other labels just minutes before we could sign them (i.e. Svikt from Norway).
I also have to remind everybody with a short memory as opposed to their long hairs the exact sequence of Avantgarde Music releases in 1994-1995:
Thergothon, Chorus of Ruin, Ophthalamia, Mayhem, Unholy, Carpathian Fullmoon, Abysmal, Pan.Thy.Monium, Katatonia, Novembers Doom, Carpathian Forest
I can barely count 2 black metal bands in this selection….. so what is changing for real ?
Nothing, not even the stupidity of men. That one keeps constantly growing.
(Roberto Mammarella, Avantgarde Music)
CLICK HERE for some pop-rock related music eventually darker than Darkthrone’s last 10 albums…