Vástígr announces new studio album “The Path Of Perdition”
Austrian one-man black metal band Vástígr will release their sophomore studio album "The Path Of Perdition" next May via Avantgarde Music
Austrian one-man black metal band Vástígr will release their sophomore studio album "The Path Of Perdition" next May via Avantgarde Music
Almost four years after the acclaimed Vsesvit, Ukrainian one-man atmospheric black metal band Severoth is back with a new studio album, By The Way Of Light
Italian long-standing black metal pioneers Funeral Oration are back with their third album, Antropomorte
Canadian black metallers Beholder releases "Le Vassal De La Profanation", the first single from their incoming sophomore album, "Dualisme",
Portuguese black metal quintet Vøidwomb announces debut album "Spiritual Apotheosis" and releases new single "Metempsychosis"
Québécois black metal quintet Beholder signs to Avantgarde Music and announces their sophomore studio album, Dualisme, scheduled for release in April 2024
Portuguese black metal quintet Vøidwomb joins Avantgarde Music to release their debut album in spring 2024
Post-black metal duo Olhava is back with Sacrifice, a new studio record, almost two years after the release of their acclaimed album Reborn.
Almost four years after the acclaimed Vsesvit, Ukrainian one-man atmospheric black metal band Severoth is back with a new studio album, By The Way Of Light
Italian long-standing black metal band announces their third studio album