Everybody knows Draconian, and by now many know Sojourner too. Light Field Reverie is what happened when the two ends met: Heike Langhans (Draconian, Lorelei) and her soothing voice join bassist Scotty Lodge (Sojourner) and guitarist, keyboardist and producer Mike Lamb (Sojourner) on a completely new trip.
Another World is the very first release from the newborn band, a collection of songs moving liquidly between gothic and doom metal, with a robust injection of synths and drones, so much that there are moments where metal is nowhere to be found. You can very well hear every past and present experience from Heike’s music career: her personal darkwave project Lorelei, the melancholic drones from Ison and the gloomy atmosphere of Draconian all merge with Mike’s melodic and layered songwriting we’ve been able to enjoy in Sojourner.
To describe their work, the band chose these words: “Written and recorded during the global turbulence of 2020, Another World is a passion project imbued with the deeply personal concepts of home, belonging, and finding light in an uncertain world. Alongside these themes, the album is full of references and tributes to some of the influences that have shaped and inspired us both as people and artists. The themes of songs refefence games, books and films we love, and the whole work is infused with 80’s and 90’s nostalgia”.
The result is something entirely different, which you’re not used to listening and you wouldn’t think you could find on Avantgarde Music. There is some metal here and there, and in “Ghost Bird”, definitely the heaviest piece of the lot, you also have Emilio Crespo, Sojourner frontman, coming in with his deep growl. But all in all Light Field Reverie is something else. You may call it darkwave, you may call it “alternative”, you may even dare with electronic music, but at the end of the day all that really matter is that Another World is a mixture of different experiences, and you can discover its beauty and elegance on November, 20 (digital / CD) and December, 11 (vinyl).