Sivyj Yar (an ancient deity of Slavs), is an atmospheric, post-black metal band from Vyritsa, Russia formed in 2006. The author and the only member of the project is Vladimir. The lyrical part of Sivyj Yar is based on Slavonic mythology and poetry. These are the songs about those who have gone into oblivion, the memories of whom has been lost.
Discography (main releases only):
Нощь Full-length 2009
Край непуганых птиц (Land of Fearless Birds) EP 2010
Двоеверство / Dualfaith Full-length 2011
Навстречу сумеркам (Towards the Twilight) EP 2012
Как прежде плыли зори / The Dawns Were Drifting as Before Full-length 2013
Из тьмы вымерших деревень / From the Dead Villages’ Darkness Full-length 2014
Поминальные холсты / Burial Shrouds Full-length 2015
Не оплакано былое / The Unmourned Past EP 2016
Горе / Grief Full-length 2020