Dark Sanctuary is a pioneering band in the realm of darkwave and neoclassical music. Born in Paris in 1996, they have since released a number of ground-breaking albums until going on hiatus in 2009. Twelve years later, in 2021, Dark Sanctuary rose from their ashes and started releasing music again.
Follow them on Facebook and their official website.
Discography (main releases only):
Royaume mélancolique Full-length 1999
De lumière et d’obscurité Full-length 2000
L’être las – L’envers du miroir Full-length 2003
Les mémoires blessées Full-length 2004
Exaudi Vocem Meam (Part I) Full-length 2005
Exaudi Vocem Meam (Part II) Full-length 2006
Dark Sanctuary Full-length 2009
Iterum EP 2021
Cernunnos Full-length 2023